Welcome to SammyZellner.com!

Welcome to SammyZellner.com! Here you’ll find tips and tricks for all levels of career development, but with a special emphasis on students and new college grads (since I am one myself!). My mission is to help you go after your dream job, no matter how out of reach it seems. I want to use this first blog post to help answer some questions you may have about me:

Who am I?

I’m Sammy Zellner – engineer, aspiring entrepreneur and professional speaker, and personal development junkie. I am always trying to leverage every opportunity I have to pursue the life want. Through my blog and my business, I hope to help you do the same.

Some fun facts about me:

  • My favorite social media outlets are Pinterest and LinkedIn – let’s connect! I believe that these 2 social media platforms can really be utilized for job search and career development, more so than any others.
  • While I consider myself an introvert, I love public speaking. Knowing that I can teach new skills to an audience of any size so that they can pursue their dreams is one of the most rewarding feelings to me.
  • During school, I worked a few different part time jobs – including academic coaching, facilitated group tutoring, and undergraduate research. I found the experience I gained in these positions invaluable during my post-college job search.
  • I am heavily involved in the Society of Women Engineers. During my undergrad, I was the University of North Texas section Event Coordinator for a year and section President for 2 years. I currently serve as the Dallas SWE secretary. My favorite part of this organization is the tremendous leadership opportunities it provides to its members.

Want to know more about me? Visit my about me page or my LinkedIn profile.

Why am I blogging?

Ever since I was little, I always had big dreams about “what I wanted to be when I grew up”. My idea of a “dream job” has varied so much in my short 23 years of life – from professional TV chef to teacher to engineer. I want to use this blog to share my experiences in following my passions, job search, and career development so that I can help as many readers out their go after their dream job too.

What am I writing about, and why should you read it?

If you are looking for the next step in your journey as an aspiring professional, you have come to the right place! Content on my blog will focus on career development (in all stages of your career), job search, and finding your passion. I also plan to post about other professional development topics, such as how to present your best self and sticking to routines.

Posts will go live every Monday at 5 PM! I hope to see you back next Monday for more tips on how to go after your dream job.

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Ready to jumpstart your career search, or continue to advance in your current role?

2 Replies to “Welcome to SammyZellner.com!”

  1. I am so happy to see and read this. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us! Congratulations and I wish you the absolute best in this endeavor!!

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