Top 9 Must-Haves When Traveling to a Conference

With conference season officially upon us, it’s time to think about what items you need to pack with you to take to your next conference. Conferences are a great way to build your network, find new job opportunities, and be immersed in your industry.

If you’re a first time conference attendee, figuring out what to pack can be a daunting task. What’s the dress code? How many resumes and business cards should you bring? What do you need for the events, tours, and ceremonies that you’ll be attending? You can probably find some of the answers to these questions on the conference website, but what about all the items that aren’t listed?

Seasoned conference goers know that there are several items that you absolutely must have at every conference that you attend. After attending 8 conferences across the US during different times of year and different climate conditions, I have found that the following 9 items are must-haves for every conference that you attend, no matter what the occasion.

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1. Padfolio

Padfolios are something that a lot of people tend to forget, but they are one of the most important conference essentials. They are great for transporting your business cards and resumes to and from career fair booths and interviews, and they are also great for taking notes in during the conference. The best Padfolios have pockets for resumes and business cards as well as a place to take notes and hold your pen. This is my favorite Padfolio.

2. Business cards (& holder)

Business cards are a must for conferences! You really never know who you’re going to meet, and business cards give you an easy way to share your information with anyone you connect with. The musts you need to include on your business cards are:

  • You name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • College/University you attend or the company you work for
  • Your degree & graduation date or job title at your company
  • Any organizations your affiliated with
  • LinkedIn profile/website URL

I like to get my business cards printed at Staples because they are fast, offer in-store pick up, and are the cheapest that I’ve seen. It’s also important to have a business card holder to carry all your business cards in. There’s nothing worse than trying to share your business card with someone only to realize you forgot to grab any. This business card holder is great for carrying with you in your pocket or your bag.

3. Resumes

Just as important (if not more) than business cards is your resume, especially if you are attending a conference with a career fair. Everything that is on your business card should be on the header of your resume, and the rest of your resume should highlight your education, relevant experience, and skills that show you are qualified for the jobs you’re applying to. You can either print your resumes professionally through an office supplies store, or you can print them at home to save money. I like to make my resumes stand out by printing them on nice quality cardstock, such as this.

4. Notebook & Pen

Conferences offer a wealth of information on your industry, professional development, and networking. You want to make sure that you bring a notebook and pen to take notes on all the workshops and seminars that you will be attending. I highly suggest that you avoid taking notes on your laptop, even if that is your work or school norm. There’s nothing worse than trying to hear a speaker over the sound of someone typing on a keyboard! Here is a great notebook to bring if you’re in the market for one.

5. Water & Snacks

Attending conferences means long (but rewarding) days of workshops and seminars. You’ll want to avoid any hangry and thirsty moments in between meals, so make sure to bring your favorite snack and reusable water bottle with you to the conference.

6. Outfits Appropriate for the Occasion

One of the most-asked questions regarding conferences is “What is the dress code?” Typically, conferences have a business casual dress code overall, but your outfits really will depend on the occasion.

  • Is there an awards ceremony? Make sure you pack a banquet dress.
  • Convention centers are notoriously cold! Make sure you bring a cardigan, blazer, or some other layering piece.  
  • If you’re attending a career fair, make sure you bring one business professional outfit, such as a pant suit or dress suit.
  • You are guaranteed to do a lot of walking at conferences. Make sure you bring shoes that are both cute and comfortable. Don’t wait to break in your shoes at the conference, or you’ll be guaranteed to have some blisters when you come home!

7. Mints (not gum!)

You don’t want to be that person who has less-than-fresh breath in your interview or when striking up a conversations with a recruiter. Don’t forget to bring mints for after breakfast and/or lunch. Try to steer clear of gum, though, because you also don’t want to be that person smacking their gum at the conference. These are some of my favorite mints.

8. Conference Bag

You will have a lot of stuff to bring with you to and from the conference (if you couldn’t tell from this post so far). A lot of conferences will give you a canvas conference bag to carry all your things in, but it is nice to have your own just in case they run out or don’t offer it. Make sure your conference bag is large, but not too big, and neutral so it matches with everything you wear, like this one. 

9. Extra space in your suitcase

It can be really tempting to stuff your suitcase and bags to the brim with different outfits and gadgets that you think you might need. I can guarantee that you will come home from a conference with more stuff than you came there with. Companies at career fairs have tons of swag and free gifts that they are looking to get rid of (so that they don’t have to bring it home). So, do yourself a favor and leave a little extra space in your suitcase to bring all that free stuff home with you!

Something you can’t necessarily “pack” but want to make sure you bring with you is an open-mind. When you attend conferences, you never know what opportunities may find you. I’ve had friends get job interviews just by being in the same elevator as a recruiter or standing next to a senior-level manager in line to get lunch. Keep your mind open, and don’t be afraid to start a conversation with those around you. You never know when your next chance to pursue your dream job will happen!

What conference are you going to next? What are your must-bring items?