Letting a Goal Go…

As the end of 2020 approaches, it’s time to start thinking about what we want to accomplish in the next year, and, just as important, how we want to finish off the current year. Many are scrambling to finish off all the projects that they wanted to complete in 2020, but what about those lingering tasks that don’t hold the same level of importance as they once did? When is it okay to let a goal go?

Today, I want to share with you my 3-step process for deciding when it is time to let go of goal, and what I do with it once I decide its not the right time for it anymore.

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21 Goals to Complete Before 2021

In my most recent newsletter, I touched on why 2020 doesn’t have to be a waste of a year, and I shared a few of my plans and goals I want to work on in the last few months before 2021. Today, I want to go into more detail on my 4th quarter plans, and share some ideas how you too can make the most of this year.

Here are the 21 goals I’m committing to accomplishing before 2021!

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My 3 Step Quarterly Planning Process

In my recent posts about how I set goals and how I plan out my month, I referenced that I like to break my goals down by quarter. I find that breaking down my yearly goals by each quarter makes them much more manageable, and it really helps me focus in my monthly planning on actionable steps I can take to accomplish my yearly goals. Since we are now wrapping up the third quarter of 2020, I wanted to share how I review each quarter and plan out my goals for the upcoming quarter.

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