Top 5 Tips to Transition from College to Your Career

Picture this: you just completed your first day of your first “real job”. Maybe you had a new hire orientation; maybe your boss had you dive straight into your responsibilities. Regardless, it is now 5 PM, and you are heading home for the day!

To me, the greatest part of coming home from my first day of work was the feeling of “I don’t have anything to do until tomorrow.” No homework, no studying. Any extra work I needed to do could wait until I went in the next day. The amount of free time you gain once you start working can be shocking – I know it was for me!

The transition from college to your career is huge. Your schedule changes, your environment changes, and overall your life is overall going to change. It can be easy to let your job take over your life if you don’t give time to your outside of work priorities. So how do you keep your balance in transitioning from college to your career? Here are my top 5 tips to help as you start your first “real job”.

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