6 Do’s and Don’ts of Virtual Meetings

Whether it’s a conference call at work or a video chat with friends, virtual meetings are a part of our daily routines now more than ever before.  And, as more and more business are transitioning employees to full-time work from home, virtual meetings are likely here to stay.

There’s definitely a learning curve when it comes to virtual meetings, and with them brings their own challenges. Did you accidentally double mute yourself on the meeting app and your phone? Are so many people talking at once you can’t understand anyone? Did your computer freeze up or your internet cut out?

It can be difficult to navigate these roadblocks that we have not had to face before. Today, I want to share with you my top 6 tips for hosting and attending virtual meetings so that you can rock your next one!

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5 Reasons You Need to Have an Internship

If you’re in college, you’ve probably heard everyone telling you that you have to work an internship before you graduate. There’s good reason for this! Internships provide you with opportunities to learn about your industry outside the traditional classroom setting. The real world experience you receive in an internship can end up much more applicable to your career than the theory that you learn in school.

If you want to work an internship, but you aren’t sure where to start, start with your “why”. What are you hoping to get out of the experience? What organization would you like to work for? Are there any specific skills you want to learn? The following 5 reasons to work an internship can help you narrow down where you want to work and what you want to do.

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The 5 Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself before Going to Grad School

Congratulations on furthering your education by going to graduate school! Attending grad school is an extremely personal decision, and not one to be taken lightly. There are a ton of factors that need to be considered before you take the plunge back into all-nighter cram sessions and multi-hour classes and seminars.

My decision to pursue my M. S. in Materials Engineering was not one that I took lightly. I had many things to take into consideration – what I wanted out of my future career, how graduate school would help train me for the next step in my journey as an engineer, and much more. While everyone has different factors to weigh in their decision to pursue grad school, here are the 5 most important questions that everyone should ask themselves before they sign up for classes.

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