My Weekly Planning Routine

If you’ve been following along for the last few months, you probably saw me post about my Quarterly Planning Process, my goal setting method, and my monthly planning routine. I want to add to the series and share my weekly planning routine with you today!

I’ve mentioned many times before that I am an avid Bullet Journalist. While the true Bullet Journal method relies only on monthly and daily planning, I found that to be a little impractical for me. I tend to have a lot of small tasks that I have to complete in a given week, so I don’t necessarily want to write all of those over and over again on either my monthly or daily lists. This is where my weekly list comes in handy!

My weekly to do list is nothing fancy. I like to title the page with the week’s dates (for example, December 14th-20th), and then make a simple list of all the things I need to do that week. I use a 3 step method to make sure I don’t miss any tasks or projects for a given week.

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My Top 7 Planning & Stationary Supplies

With Thanksgiving and Black Friday now just behind us, it is officially the holiday & gift giving season! Whether you’re looking for gifts for your friends or simply want to treat yourself, planner and stationary items are a good way to go. Who wouldn’t love a new set of pens or a blank notebook to start the new year with?

Today, I want to share with you my favorite planning and stationary supplies. Most of the products I’ve been using for years, so they stand the test of time and are good quality for an even better price.

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21 Goals to Complete Before 2021

In my most recent newsletter, I touched on why 2020 doesn’t have to be a waste of a year, and I shared a few of my plans and goals I want to work on in the last few months before 2021. Today, I want to go into more detail on my 4th quarter plans, and share some ideas how you too can make the most of this year.

Here are the 21 goals I’m committing to accomplishing before 2021!

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My 3 Step Quarterly Planning Process

In my recent posts about how I set goals and how I plan out my month, I referenced that I like to break my goals down by quarter. I find that breaking down my yearly goals by each quarter makes them much more manageable, and it really helps me focus in my monthly planning on actionable steps I can take to accomplish my yearly goals. Since we are now wrapping up the third quarter of 2020, I wanted to share how I review each quarter and plan out my goals for the upcoming quarter.

Continue reading “My 3 Step Quarterly Planning Process”