New Monthly Book Club!

I’m super excited to announce that I’m starting a monthly book club on my blog! On the last Monday of every month, I’ll share my thoughts on that month’s book and announce the next month’s read. I hope you’ll join the conversation in the comments down below!

Reading more often is something that I always want to do, but I don’t necessarily make enough time for. In fitting this theme, this month’s book will be Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Habit formation is something that hasn’t been easy for me. I tend to go down 1 of two paths when trying to form new habits:

  • Jumping into too many new habits at the same time, overwhelming myself, and giving up.
  • Maintain a habit for a few months, get too busy, and then stop doing that thing (this one specifically applies to working out!).

I’m hoping to learn the following from this book:

  • How to break existing bad habits
  • How to make small changes to form new and positive habits
  • How to stick to routines better

I hope you’ll join me in book club this month!

What new habits are you trying form?