Hi! I’m Sammy Zellner – engineer, young professional, career coach, and aspiring public speaker. I am here to help you achieve the career of your dreams.
By training, I am a Materials Engineer. I received both my B.S. and M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of North Texas in May 2018 and August 2019. I am highly analytical, and I’m always looking to see how I can leverage my resources around me – from connections in student organizations to my favorite podcasts – to pursue my dream career.
My 9-5 is working as an equipment and process engineer for Texas Instruments, but my real passions lie in my side hustle. I am a public speaking junkie and career advancement enthusiast. Throughout my college career, I’ve had the opportunity to speak at numerous events, ranging from national conferences with hundreds of attendees to K12 STEM outreach events for both parents and students that aspire to become engineers.

I am here to help you achieve your career aspirations, no matter how out of reach they may seem. From choosing the right major in school (if you even need to go to school) to job search to interviews, I can make sure you are on the path to career success, regardless of where you are in that process.
Are you ready to follow your passions and land your dream job?