4 Ways to Stay Motivated and Inspired in a Virtual Environment

Who else can believe that we are now over 6 months into this virtual world brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic? For a lot of us, face-to-face and in-person interactions have been limited and converted to online conference calls. It’s crazy to think that I haven’t seen some of my friends and coworkers in person in over 6 months!

Zoom fatigue and blue light eye strain aside, telecommuting full time can really wear us down. Today, I want to share with you 4 ways that I like to stay motivated and inspired while working/living in a virtual environment.

1. Go Outside.

During this pandemic (or even before), has there ever been a time where you hadn’t left your house in a day or more? I hate to admit it, but that has definitely happened to me a couple of times! Although there is nothing wrong with staying in every once in a while, going outside at least once a day can really improve your mood. Personally, I tend to go a little stir crazy if I’m stuck inside all day.

So, put on some sunscreen, and go outside for a walk around the block. Breathing in fresh air and seeing the sun can lift your mood so much!

2. Have regular video calls with friends.

Since the majority of us aren’t going out to see most people in person anymore, it can be difficult to stay connected to those closest to us. Having regularly scheduled video calls with friends and family can help fill this gap.

This past weekend, I was so blessed to have a Google Meets video call with my closest friends. Even though it was only through video, it was nice to actually see their faces and feel close to them again. We originally scheduled an hour to talk, but ended up speaking for nearly 4 hours!

While you don’t have to dedicate multiple hours of your day to video calls, scheduling an hour a week or an hour a couple times a month to catch up with friends and family is so important to our mental health. Staying connected to our loved ones is more important now than ever in this pandemic. I have even heard of virtual game nights and movie nights, which I haven’t done yet, but I’m looking forward to trying out with my friends soon!

3. Find hobbies outside of work.

I remember at the beginning of the pandemic, when everything first started to be cancelled, everyone was speaking about how much extra time we now have. When you take out your daily commute and most scheduled social events, it is crazy how much extra time we have in the week!

While it’s important to take time to pause and to do self-care too, using some of your new gained extra time to work on a new hobby can be rewarding and fulfilling. I’ve heard so many of my friends and colleagues talk about their newfound interests in cooking, gardening, and much more.

While I haven’t found one specific hobby that I’ve picked up, I’m definitely thankful that I took time to declutter my home, create some scrapbooks, and work on this blog! It has really boosted my mood and helped me not go crazy stuck at home! Think about some of the home or personal projects that you’ve wanted to pursue, but always put off because you didn’t necessarily have the time. What’s one that you can start working on this coming week?

4. Create a space you like to be in.

One of the biggest mindset shifts that this pandemic has brought on for many people – including myself- is to make your home a place that you really enjoy being in. We’re all spending more time at home than ever before, so creating your home to be a space that you actually like to be in is such a good investment right now.

I moved to new a place in May (right in the middle of this pandemic), so for me, that meant getting furniture that I really liked. I also recently bought some monitors for my home office space too. This is something that I had been putting off for so long, but I can tell it is such a good investment in this space. I’ve gotten so much use out of them, and I’ve only had them for a few days!

Creating a space you like to be in doesn’t have to cost a ton of money or involve crazy renovations. The first step for me in my home journey was to declutter. What extra “stuff” did I have just lying around that I wasn’t getting any use out of? Start by clearing out the clutter in your home, and then organize your space in a way that works best for you. And, if getting a piece of home décor or 2 will help brighten up your home or office, then treat yourself! Being in space that you actually like to be in will go so far in helping you feel like your best self.

It can be hard to stay motivated and inspired in this virtual environment that we live in. Being home all the time can really get you down, even if you are an introvert or a homebody. Take some time to go outside and schedule a video call with your friends. You can also try finding a new hobby or decluttering your space. You’ll be surprised how much it can uplift your mood!

What is your favorite tip for living in this new virtual environment?